Monday 6 March 2017

Baby Doll Sone Di - The Golden Girl

Baby Doll Mein Sone Di!!

"All is rubbish!!What a boring journey?"  Shivani mumbled, kept the Cosmopolitan in her bag and closed her eyes. She placed her head on the grill of the window and started looking outside the train. The train was running at its usual speed and many things were being crossed. The green fields, working farmers, children playing in grounds were passing but she was not enjoying this journey. Her mind was totally upset. She was so lost in about her results and career.

Shivani Soni; a 20 year old college student, was returning from hostel to her home as her summer vacations were announced and all the students were leaving to their respective native places.. She was not interested in returning home but she had no other choice left. She decided to join her Aunt's boutique where she can utilize her vacations also and learn something new. It was a sunny and most humid day of the May; Shivani took her water bottle and gulped some water.  the journey was still 6 hours long so she decided to take a small nap. She unfolded her scarf, covered her head and adjusted herself close to the window. She tried to sleep but there was so much noise in the train which was not letting her to sleep. The noise of engine, chitchat of nearby sitting passengers and railway vendors kept disturbing her so she pulled out her phone plugged the earphones and started listening some music tracks. Hardly 20 minutes were passed, she heard a different kind of noise. It was like a song in a childish voice and a drum beating. The music was not so perfect but loud enough to attract the people. Shivani opened her eyes and took out the earphones from her ears. She tied her hairs in a bun and moved near the last end of her birth. Some people were standing and looking at the direction from where the voice was coming.

There was a small girl nearly 12 years old with a boy around 5 or 6 years old. The boy was wearing a torn t-shirt and shorts while the girl was in the getup of a joker. Her cheeks and nose were painted in red colour and she wore a small skirt which hardly reached till her thighs and a joker cap was on her head. She made the boy sat down on floor near a seat and smiled to everyone. Her skin was a slightly darker but she was looking beautiful. The kohl and colours on her face made her cute and her voice was really so sweet. She greeted everyone and folded her hands. The passengers looked at her. the girl looked towards them like she was seeking some permission. When she saw that people have started looking at her, she signalled her brother who was sitting near to her with a small drum and an instrument called damroo. She took out a steel ring from her She started rolling from a steel ring; she bent inside the ring like a trained gymnast, danced like a serpent and many moves she performed. She cracked some jokes, sung songs and funny poems, shayaris etc. and danced on some peppy bollywood item numbers.

After her 25 minutes performance, she bowed down her head and looked towards the people who were around her. She took out a bowl from her bag and stood in front of passengers with a big hope. Some people gave her coins while others turned their eyes in opposite directions. They covered their faces with newspapers or acted like falling asleep. Some of them gave disgusted look and uttered some abusive words about her and her parents. Women passengers started cursing the people who give birth to such children and pushed her away from them. Maybe even reflection of her shadow can make their branded sarees a dirty one. But she greeted every passenger with the same and constant smile on her lips and having dried tears in eyes. Her brother was silent and looking towards the people who were clapping few minutes ago and now pushing her sister with those same hands. He slowly called, "Cheenu! Please...."

Oh!! So her name was Cheenu aur her brother used to call her by this name. Cheenu looked behind and waved her hand towards her brother to have some patience and keep silent.

Shivani was observing all this very carefully. Few seconds later, Cheenu was standing in her front of her. The same smile, the same eyes, the silent prayer on her lips; Shivani could read them and understand easily. She opened her handbag snd searched for a 50 rupee note, but she was having only notes of 500. She looked at the Cheenu but she was looking at her brother. Shivani understood and took out the packets of wafers and biscuits which was kept for the meal by her hostel warden. Cheenu took them and smiled back and bowed her head. She quickly ran towards her brother and gave them to him. She tore the packet of wafers and started feeding her brother. Shivani was continuously looking at that direction suddenly she noticed that Cheenu's brother was handicapped and his fingers were cut. All he had only a palm and by that he can beat the drum. There were no fingers in his right hand.

Shivani looked at them and thought about their life. She was feeling sympathy towards both the children and cursing the destiny for their condition. After feeding the brother, Cheenu once more looked towards Shivani and got up. She held her brother's hand, took her small bag and drum and walked towards the next half of the compartment. Shivani turned her face towards the window and her eyes got stuck on the passenger who was  sitting opposite to her. The passenger was reading a filmy magazine. On its cover, there was a seductive photograph of a hot bollywood actress and the tagline was  boldly written, 'Baby doll mein sone di..!!!"

Shivani laughed at the society and its hippocratic mentality towards such children and mumbled, "Yes! That girl is a real baby doll sone di..A golden girl with a golden heart!!"

The End

Tarun Meghwal

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