Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Leaf And The Droplet

#Loosing myself winning you

Sitting in the balcony, he took the cup of coffee and stared towards the water droplet which was trying to find its way on the glass of the window. It rolled smoothly and made a zigzag way and merged in another droplet. 

He still remembered the morning, when he was laying in her lap after the beautiful night they spent. She was moving her soft fingers on his face and hairs. Her eyes were continuously looking towards him. Her face was glowing; maybe the reason was the beginning of their new life. He was waiting for her words but she just closed her eyes and took a long breath. That breath and that warmth; it felt like the earth took breath after a heavy rainfall. He hold her hand tightly and raised his head but she forced him to keep sleeping in her lap. It was more cozy and comfortable then any bed. There was her essence, her care, her touch, her feelings; everything which completed him. He felt like a baby and he don't wanted to loose her.

He tried to say something but she kept her finger on his lips and pointed towards a leaf of the tree standing outside the balcony. There was a droplet of water which was trying to stay on the ends of leaf. The drop wanted to stay on that leaf and the leaf also allowed the droplet by folding its ends. The leaf was looking fresh and the droplet increased it's freshness and beauty. They were looking beautiful together. The drop was dancing, rolling here and there; living it's life with full happiness and joy. The leaf was also swinging and moving the drop; like she is hugging and caressing the droplet.

Suddenly, a strong wind came from a direction and shook the branches of the tree. Whole tree and leaves moved right and left. All witnessed this small romance of leaf and droplet. But the parent branch was weaker than their bond of love. With a small breaking sound, it hung in the direction and the leaf got worried about the droplet. The branch and all the leaves tried to save them but it was more harder. Leaves looked towards the leaf and the droplet. The leaf folded itself like trying to cover the droplet inside itself.

The droplet squeezed it's shape and tried to be with it's love but the nature's desire was somewhat different; cruel and rude. It was not showing any kind of mercy on the leaf and the drop. The leaf tried very hard to keep holding the drop but drop got slides and reached to the last end of leaf. The drop cried and begged to the nature that it don't want to depart from the leaf. The leaf also tried much but now the body of droplet started losing the battle of her life. Its shape started changing and within a few moments, it fell down and leaf became alone. All the leaves and branches watched this but no one could help them. The leaf became sad and angry with the nature.

He closed his eyes. After few seconds, when he opened his eyes, he saw she was having tears in her eyes. She were crying. She crossed her fingers with his and said in a low voice, "Like this, one day, we will also depart. This world will not allow us to live together. I can't live without you. This drop was so lucky, that it spent it's life with its love." Saying this, she stopped and raised her head. The branch was still there but the leaf surrendered itself. It was lying on the floor covering the drop. They both were still hugging each other though they both were now not in this world.

He got up, hold her face with his hands and kissed her teary eyes. She looked in his eyes. He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ears, "Don't worry. No one will keep us away. No matter, what the conditions will, I will always with you like this leaf..till the moment I die."

