Saturday 21 January 2017

Love With That Beautiful Face Part12


"Why? Have you forgotten me?" Raghav asked.

Rohini didn't answer him. She ran towards Raghav and hugged him tightly. Raghav let her in his arms and kissed her shoulder and whispered in her ears, "I was waiting for this moment since a year. I love you."

They both hugged each other tightly and their eyes were full of tears. Their bodies were so close to each other’s and their souls were attached with some unknown knot. Suddenly Rohini loosened her grip around Raghav's back and left him. Raghav opened his eyes. Rohini's back was facing him and he clearly heard her sobbing. Raghav moved a step closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders. Rohini shivered but she turned and said, "I hate you." And she cried. "Why did you leave me? What was my fault? You didn't say any word and eloped for almost a year. Don't you know that how much I needed you? Was that your love? You loved only my beauty? Why did you left me? Answer me."

Raghav turned around and took a paper from table and handed it to Rohini. Without opening and reading, Rohini recognized that it was a letter, written by her. She tore it and asked, "So what? That was written in such condition in which i lost my all hope and confidence. I was not able to think what is right and what is wrong? But you? You obeyed like a kid and left. You know how much I suffered without you. I still cry whole night thinking about you. But you? Really, this was not expected from you. And..."

Raghav was smiling; listening all these cute complaints and soon he realized that Rohini will now cry if she has not been stopped. He went closer to her and hold her both cheeks. Before Rohini could sense anything or react, Raghav smooched on her lips. Rohini's cute eyes grew bigger and she was shocked. Soon, her hands were on his back and she closed her eyes. Their tongues met and exchanged a lot of kisses. Rohini kept her hand on Raghav's chest and pushed him to bed. Raghav was unaware and lost his balance. Soon he was lying on bed and he saw Rohini was opening her hairs. Her fingers were struggling to unbutton her shirt. Raghav saw the love in her eyes. He quickly pulled her on him and came up on her.


After a long session of making love, Rohini got tired and she slept like a baby in Raghav's arms. When she woke up, she saw that Raghav was smiling and staring to her. She got shy and covered herself with the blanket. But Raghav didn't move his eyes from her face.

"What are you looking?"


                                                             -The End-


Thanks for reading the story. It was a bit lengthy and took so much time of mine as well as yours. I just wanted to say that beauty lies in heart not in face. If love resides, there is no such requirements for other things.

Your feedbacks and suggestions are heartily welcomed in comment section or in IB. Thanks once again.
Love u all the readers.


Thursday 19 January 2017

Love With That Beautiful Face Part11


7:00 AM

Rohini was sitting in balcony having a cup of coffee in her hand. It was raining slowly and the weather was getting cold. The packet which Roopesh gave last night was kept on the table. Rohini was staring at it. After a long breathe, he sat on the chair and took the packet in her hand.

It was a small square-shaped packet covered with a brown paper and was loosely tied. She pulled the ribbon and unwrap it. It was not heavy but Rohini's hands and heart were getting more and more heavy. She opened the packet and her heartbeat increased a little bit. There was a perpetual twinkle in her eyes. It was her engagement ring which she returned to Raghav.

Rohini's eyes were full of tears but her lips were wearing that smile which they both shared living their wonderful moments. She kissed the ring twice and took her phone. Hurriedly, she dialed Raghav's no. but her hope sunk as the no. was switched off.

But her eyes sparkled as she saw the next name Roopesh. She pressed the calling button and waited. There was no response from another side. She made few more attempts but all calls were unanswered.


Ting-tong. Ting-tong.
"Yes." An old lady about 60 years old opened the door. "Oh Ma'am, this is you. Come inside."
"How do you know me?" Rohini asked while entering in the flat.
"Sir always talks a lot about you. You sit; I am preparing a tea for you." The old lady went inside the kitchen.
"Ok." Rohini replied and kept her bag on the table. She looked around. All the things were same as they were one year ago. The paintings, the flower pots, the books; everything was at the same place. In the corner, there was a frame on the table in which a couple was hugging each other and smiling; looking in each other eyes. She reached to the table and took it in her hands. It was the picture of Raghav and Rohini's engagement. Her eyes began to cry looking that picture. She kept it again and walked into Raghav's bedroom.

As she opened the door, her eyes got stuck on the wall. There was a big poster on which many pictures of her, her achievements, newspaper cuttings of her NGO was pinned. She went closer. She saw her old pictures, recent pictures and her name from each cutting was boldly underlined. She pulled a chair and sat down. She opened the drawer of the table which was placed in front of her. There were some old newspapers in it. She took out all of them. They all were year old and contained news of acid attack on her. She kept again them without reading. But she got stuck on the newspaper which was from London. There was a picture of an accident of a car which was fallen from the mountain. The face of the injured was looking so well known. She read that news carefully.

'An Indian guy found in critical condition. He was heavily drunk and was driving rash on the roads. His car have got an accident after striking a big stone and fallen down from the mountain. His face, shoulders and stomach is very badly injured as the pieces of glass and mirrors got collapsed into his body. His identity is still unknown.'

Rohini was shocked by reading that news. She was dumbstruck and her eyes were fixed on the picture of that crashed car. Her heart was beating very fast and soon she cried.

Suddenly she heard like someone is coming towards the room. She quickly kept the newspaper in the drawer and wiped her tears.

There was a knock on the door. She turned around. Roopesh was standing outside resting his head on the door. He was so surprised.

"So who are you? Roopesh or..?? Rohini asked looking in his eyes.


Wednesday 18 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face‬ Part10‪


"I love only Raghav and no one can replace him in my life." Rohini said and her eyes burst into tears.
"Are you crazy? That man had left you and even you don't know where he is? Look Rohini! I am not saying that you should also love me. But think about your own life. Don't you want to settle? Don't you have a dream of your own family, your kids, and your home?" Roopesh was trying to say more but Rohini got so upset. So Roopesh remained silent and looked towards the road.

"Please drop me home." Rohini said looking towards the Roopesh.

Roopesh silently started car and without uttering any word he concentrated on driving.

After a half hour journey, the car stopped in front of Rohini's apartment. Roopesh and Rohini, both were silent.

"Sorry." The ice of silence broke. Rohini looked towards Roopesh. He was looking down. His grip on steering was tight and restlessness was on his face.

Rohini breathe deeply and said, "Roopesh, I didn't mean to hurt you. You are a very nice guy. I really like you. I too have special feelings for you. But for me, love is not a game, in which if I lose, I should change the partner. I know it’s almost a year passed, there is no information about Raghav. Maybe he is married now or maybe he is busy with his family. Maybe he has forgotten me. But I am still in love with him. We two were also going to marry but that incident happened and everything was ruined. He didn't left me, I forced him to leave me and start a new life. But deep inside my heart, he still occupies the place and no one can replace him. I have decided to live with his memories. I hope that this night will not affect our friendship. You and I will always be friends. You are such a nice person, that every girl can be in love with you but I am not that lucky one." Rohini opened the door and walked outside while talking.  Roopesh was staring her as she crossed car and moved towards the gate of her apartment.

"Rohini."  Roopesh called her.
Rohini turned around and was surprised to see that Roopesh opened the door of car and stood outside. His eyes were full of tears and his lips were having smile. Rohini went near him. She tried to say something but Roopesh placed his finger on her lips and hold her tightly from her waist and hugged her tightly. Rohini was shocked and stood as numb. She couldn't react at that moment. As Roopesh touched her waist, her body started tempting. Roopesh quickly left her and took out a small packet from his pocket and handed her.

"This is a small gift for you and your love." Roopesh started walking to his car. While walking, he once looked back, Rohini was still surprised and her eyes were continuously looking at Roopesh. He waved his hand and said bye to Rohini. Rohini was unable to speak something. She just waved her hand. Roopesh looked at her and smiled. Rohini was still confused but her eyes were following Roopesh. As he started the car and drove away, Rohini entered in her apartment with that packet in her hand.


Tuesday 17 January 2017

Love With That Beautiful Face‬ Part9 ‪


All the ceremonies were over now. The guests blessed all the 24 beautiful couples and wished them for their beautiful future ahead. The music was stopped now. The banquet was looking empty. It was 3:00 AM. Only peoples were roaming there. There was still floral fragrance mixed with the fragrance of hawan.

Rohini was standing near the stage. Her eyes were fixed on the empty mandap. She was still feeling that brides and grooms are there. Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and found Sukanya who was holding two big bags in her hands.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Sukanya asked.
"Yes, I am fine. It's been late. You should go now." Rohini said without looking at Sukanya.
"But.." Sukanya wanted to say something but Rohini interrupted. "I want to be alone for some time."
"Ok ma'am. If you need anything, please call me." Sukanya said and left.

Rohini pulled a chair and sat down. Her eyes were fixed on the marriage hall where 24 couples became life partners in front of the holy fire and hundreds of people. Their faces were shining with a lot of happiness as their dreams came true and they got a perfect life partner for them. Rohini also had a same dream but her destiny was against it. She missed Raghav and his love. There was an emotional battle between her heart and mind. Why did Raghav left her? Was Raghav's mentality was also the same as the whole society had? Did he care only about her face, not her heart? She folded her hands and looked down. Her finger was still empty; their engagement ring was not in her finger anymore. Her heart felt so heavier and a droplet of tear fallen down on her finger.

"Ma'am! water." A glass of water in a tray was in front of her.
Rohini took it and as she looked up, she got surprised. Roopesh was standing in front of her, holding the tray and smiling.
Rohini got up and quickly wiped off her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Same question from me. What are you doing here alone?" Roopesh kept the tray on the chair and came closer to Rohini.
"Actually, I am so tired so I just sat.." Rohini tried to lie but Roopesh stopped her. 
"Sssshhhhh. Ok, let's go to home. I will drop you."
"No! It's ok. Its already too late and you are also tired." Rohini denied.
Roopesh was in no mood to listen Rohini. He took off his blazer and wrapped it around Rohini's body and said," Let's go."
Rohini looked at him and nodded. "Ok."


The car was heading was heading towards the town. Roopesh looked at Rohini. She was looking blankly outside the window. Suddenly, a cool breeze of wind came inside and brushed Rohini's silky hairs. Roopesh noticed that and extended his hand to roll up the window. As his hand was close to Rohini, she looked him. Roopesh saw that teary eyes and blank face, he slowed down the car and applied brakes.

As he turned off the engine, Rohini got more confused.
Roopesh waited for a moment and without looking at her, he said, "Rohini, actually I want to tell you something. I was trying to say that from a long time but I was waiting for the right moment."

Rohini was still silent but her eyes grew bigger.
"I am falling in love with you."
"No, it's impossible. You know I love Raghav."
"Please Roopesh.."


Monday 16 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part8‬


"Till now, we have got 17 mails. We are trying our best through matrimonial sites, social networking sites and other mediums." Sukanya replied checking the responses.

"Great! Let's meet the boy's side personally and talk to them." Rohini said. She was so happy and full of joy.


"Hello! Mr. Roopesh? Rohini this side. There is good news for us." 
"What?" Roopesh was in confusion.
"23 of 'Still Beautiful' girls including Manu are going to marry on 29th of next month." Rohini said all this in a breathe.

"Wow! You have made their dream completed. I am so happy to hear this news. You are an angel for them." Roopesh was so excited.

Within two months, Roopesh and Rohini became more then friends. They started long talks over the calls. Any topic whether it was global, national, business, social, sports, movies, music; they debated and at last it all end with a loud laughter. They started sharing their views, feelings and whatever they did whole day. Sometimes, their busy schedules created obstacles but however, they steal some moments for each other. Even they didn't know what was happening in between them? But whatever it was, it was cute relationship. They both found a good companion with each other.

29th July 2015.

Shagun banquet was decorated as bride and the whole city was eager to witness a grand wedding ceremony which was going to create history. There were so many people from various cities, media personals, social activists, other NGO's, politicians. City administration was also helping this social event. On the entrance, Shehanai and Tabla were being played by the folk artists. Rohini and Sukanya along with two more girls were present there to welcome the guests. The atmosphere was so fresh, joyful and everyone was having a smile on faces. Melodious instrumentals and songs were spreading music and floral fragrance was stealing the hearts.

"Is everything ok?" Rohini asked Sukanya in a worried tone.

Sukanya smiled and said,"Yes Ma'am, everything is perfect and our volunteers are present in any case of need. Now, you also go and freshen up yourself. You haven't slept from last two nights. Your eyes and face looks exhausted."

Rohini nodded and started walking towards her room. Suddenly, she stopped and without turning her face, she asked, "Sukanya! Any news of Roopesh?"

"No Ma'am, I tried a lot, but he was unavailable to answer the call. I am trying once again." Sukanya said, flipping her phone.

"No! You leave it. I will talk to him." And she entered her room.


Rohini was standing with Manu and other 23 beautiful brides but her eyes were in search of someone. Her eyes met Sukanya's and Sukanya pointed towards the grooms. Rohini looked there and her eyes twinkled. Roopesh was talking with the grooms and their parents. She waved her hand and Roopesh smiled. He started walking towards her. He greeted each bride and congratulated them. At last, he was in front of Rohini. He gazed her for few moments. "Looking gorgeous in saree." He smiled.

Rohini blushed; her eyes were staring at the flower bouquet in his hands. "Why are you so late?" She asked without looking at him. "Actually, an important meeting..." He stopped as he saw Sukanya was coming towards them.

"The auspicious moments are closer. The Pandits have arrived and they all are waiting for brides and couples there. The ceremony is going to start." Sukanya said in one breathe continuously looking at Roopesh and Rohini's face.


Sunday 15 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face‬ Part7


"Are you ok now?" 
"Yes." Rohini answered while drinking water from the water bottle.
"Actually these bastards.."
"Sssshhhhh. It's over. Those police men are suspended and early morning the culprit will be behind bars. Rest of the work will be done by the media and other organizations." Roopesh said, while driving the car.

Rohini breathe deeply and kept her silence. Roopesh slowed down the speed and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and head rested on the window.

"We should go to the hospital." Rohini said without opening her eyes.
"What? It's already 2:00 AM. I think you should take some rest now. We can see Manu tomorrow." Roopesh replied.
"Today is her marriage. I think I should talk to the groom." She said and looked Roopesh.
"In such cases, the boys pull their steps back. They don't think about the girl and her future. Many girls like me..." She stopped.
"Like you?" Roopesh applied brakes and parked car on the side.

Tears came out from Rohini's eyes. Her voice became heavier. She told about Raghav and everything happened to her. "And he silently left. He neither asked nor said anything just left from there. Nobody knows where he is? I tried to contact him but all my attempts failed. All of this happened because of this face. I don't want that this happen to any other girl."

Roopesh listened and after few moments he looked deeply into Rohini's eyes and said, "It was all destinies. That time has gone and never will come back again. We should look towards the new way. Manu will get married. Don't worry. We both will talk to the boy."

Rohini smiled and thanked Roopesh. Roopesh started the car and soon after some time they were in front of Rohini's apartment.

"So, see you in morning, Rohini. Good night." Roopesh said.
Rohini smiled and wished him the same.


Rohini, Roopesh, Sukanya, Manu's father, Sunil, the groom and his father was sitting at Sunil's home. As it was expected, Sunil was hesitating to give his answer. After some time, he clearly said NO and answered that now Manu is not perfect to him according to him and his position. He can't accept such burnt girl as his life partner. On hearing this, Rohini was full of anger and Roopesh was worried. Manu's father was sitting with his head bend down having tears in eyes. Rohini stood up and said in louder tone, "What the hell you think you are? How can you behave like an uneducated person? That girl is in hospital and fighting with herself. And you are leaving her without any fault. At this time, she needs your support and love. And you are caring about your so-called position. She is my sister and she deserves better than you. I will find a perfect boy for her. Within a month, she will get married to a better person. You just wait and watch."


"Now what will we do?" Sukanya asked in gentle voice.
Everyone who was present there was upset. They didn't think that Rohini will say something like this. Everyone was looking at Rohini and she was sitting on her chair keeping her hands on her forehead. There were so many faces of such victims were flashing in her mind. She thought that everyone has right to find the happiness. She will help them in fulfilling their dreams.

"Our new mission is to find the perfect lifetime partners for victim girls. I will discuss it after talking with Manu." Rohini got up and walked outside. Her eyes were full of confidence. Everyone present there was a bit confused that how is it possible?


Saturday 14 January 2017

‪‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part6 ‪


“Hello.”  Rohini answered.
“Hello, it's urgent Ma'am. Can you reach City Hospital now?” It was Sukanya, in a worried tone.

Rohini didn't ask anything more and drove away in the direction of City Hospital.


“Any complaint filed in police station?” Rohini asked Sukanya.
“Actually, the culprit is local MLA's son. So the police are not reacting. In fact, the police inspector sent his two constables for compromise over a big amount of money.” Sukanya replied. “Here is Manu's father.”

An old man was standing in front of her. He was wearing a traditional suit and spectacles. His tears were flowing down, soon many people gathered over the place.
“Tomorrow is her marriage. Now, how will it possible. My child is in hospital now. She went to parlor but after that, that rich brat vanish my daughter's life. Now, how will my daughter get married? And now the Police are not registering my complaints. That bastards are even calling me and threatening me that they will kill my whole family.” By saying this, his tears came out. He cried loudly. 

Rohini looked at Manu. Her hands were decorated with Mehandi but her face was covered. A team of doctors and nurses was trying to save her. The whole room was echoed by weeping and painful screams. Rohini was full of tears and anger now. She walked away from the corridor and died a few numbers. A picture of herself of a year ago flashed in front of her eyes.


“Why are you not filing complain?” Rohini was in front of ASI Ashutosh.

“Because ma'am, we can't do anything. It is a love-affair problem. And the man is pointing towards MLA's son. They all are saying lie.”

“Listen, the whole city knows about the MLA and his son. You sent your men to put pressure on the girl's family. What kind of duty are you doing?” Rohini said in louder tone.

“Who is shouting at this time?” a voice came. Very soon, a man with pot-belly in a white shirt and khakhee pants entered in the room with a lighted cigarette in his hand.

“Why are you getting involved in this? Is that girl your relative?” He asked.
“Not your business. Just register a complaint against MLA's son.” She said in brief as she saw that the man who asked her questions was heavily drunk.
“This is my police station and I will not file any complain against him. Do whatever you can do.” He came closer and tried to touch Rohini's shoulder.

Rohini pushed him back, hold his collar and slapped him tightly. He lost his balance and fell down on a wooden bench. There were many constables, Rohini's friends and Manu's father were present and all of them were shocked.

“You bloody b*tch. You raised hand on Tiwari. Now I will show you." He shouted. "Choudhary, open lockup she is our guest today.”

Rohini was in prison and the people who came with her were thrown out of the station. The mob gathered outside the police station.


“Sir, S.P. Sir is coming. With him one man and two lawyers are also coming. I think today is going something wrong with us.” Choudhary came inside the office where Tiwari was sleeping in the hangover.


Wednesday 11 January 2017

‪‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part5‬


"Hello, who is this?" A female voice answered in a sweet tone.
"I am Rohini from 'Still Beautiful' NGO. Can I talk to Mr. Roopesh Kumar?" Rohini asked.
"I am sorry ma'am, he is in a meeting."
"Can I have an appointment? I want to meet him."
"Let me check. Okay, you can meet him after 5 in evening in Hotel Shriniwas." 
"Thank you so much."
"You are welcome." The call disconnected.


Rohini was waiting in coffee shop of Hotel Shriniwas where she had to meet Roopesh. She was alone with a handbag and a file. She looked at the clock; it was 5:20 PM now. She thought to call him once more but her mind denied.

Rohini stuck her eyes on the glass door and start digging in her past. She was quietly observing the people. Many people looked at her but this was not her old days. That was the time, when many people praised her for her beauty but now those eyes were full of sympathies. On the adjacent table, there was a newly wedded couple. They sat very close and both were smiling looking each other. Suddenly, that guy holds her hands and planted a kiss. That lady blushed and looked down with shy face. Her silky hairs came on her face but they were unable to hide her smile. Rohini's eyes were glued on those hand, a diamond ring was sparkling in that lady's hand. Her heart was suddenly felt heavy and her eyes were teary. Rohini kept her hand on table and stared on her blank finger. Though it was more than one year, but still she could feel that ring in her finger.

Her thoughts were broken when a middle aged lady in formal suit and open hairs came and stood in front of her. She smiled and said, “Good evening ma'am. I am Rajni, secretary of Mr. Roopesh. He will join you in few minutes. Till then, you can order something."
"No, it's ok. Thank you so much." Rohini replied. “Actually..."

"Sorry ladies, I am sorry that I am late." A male voice disturbed them. A gentleman with smile, aged nearly 27-28 years, in a black blazer and blue jeans was standing near them. Rajni stood up and greeted him.

Rohini looked up and was shocked when she saw Roopesh. His right face was burnt and his neck was full of scars and burns. He was wearing goggles with neat black glass, as he removed his goggles, she was more surprised and her heart blushing inside. His eyes were similar to Raghav's. Rohini was so confused. They shook the hands and greeted each other. The touch of his palm made Rohini to remember Raghav.

"I have heard a lot about 'Still Beautiful'. You are doing a great work for society." Roopesh said.
"Thanks." Rohini replied. It was harder to find more words to speak for Rohini as her mind was so confused now.
"Yours NGO, your motive and your achievements are remarkable. You are the new face of those beautiful persons who are the victims of society. It’s my pleasure to meet you." Roopesh said in soft tone.
"I am so grateful for your help. But one thing I am not able to understand. You have donated a huge amount for our small NGO." Rohini asked.
Roopesh didn't answer. He just called the waiter and ordered for two black coffees. Till then, Rajni had occupied another table and was busy with her laptop.

"Yes, what were you asking, about the donation? See, the donation is never calculated with the amount. It is still very low. And the money is not a problem. In our country, such cases are increasing day by day. Many lives are affected by this. I just want to help them by contributing something to your 'Still Beautiful'. That's all." Roopesh said fluently and frankly. Rohini's lips were quiet and her eyes were trying to find the reason on his face.

Roopesh was saying all these without looking in Rohini's eyes. While Rohini was continuously look at his face. Since a year, Rohini has met many people who were been victim of such accidents. But when she saw Roopesh, it seems like these marks and burns were not accidental.

"So..?? I think you won't mind taking my help and accepting me as your new volunteer." Roopesh smiled and a big question mark was present in his eyes.

Rohini looked towards the cheque and smiled. "I accept it and welcome to the family." 

"Family." Roopesh uttered.
"What?" Rohini asked.
"I think I should leave now. It's getting late." Rohini looked at the clock and said.
"Ok. I am going to shift my whole business to India next month. So see you then." Roopesh took his goggles and stood up.

"Great, this is my card. Whenever you visit, you are heartly welcome in the office." Rohini opened her bag and handed her card to Roopesh.

Roopesh took the card and stared it for few seconds. "What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing, I am also 'Still Beautiful'." Roopesh wore his goggles and after a formal hand shake. He turned and walked away. Rajni smiled and waved towards Rohini and followed him.

Rohini responded the same and looked towards Roopesh. He was walking straight, taking long and quick steps.

She was out of the hotel now and was walking towards her car. Suddenly, she heard a jingle. It was her phone ringing. She opened her bag and took out the phone. It was an unknown number, flashing on the screen.


Tuesday 10 January 2017

Love With That Beautiful Face‬ Part4


One year later...

"And the award for the women empowerment and social welfare goes to the NGO 'Still Beautiful' which is working for women who get molested and harassed mentally or physically. Though this NGO is only 10 months old but it had done a lot for the victims of rape, molestation, sexual harassment, acid attacks etc. and helped those women  by rehabilitation, providing them necessary guidance, employment opportunities etc. This NGO has even fought for justice and sent many criminals inside the bars. When the society turned their back towards such victims, 'Still Beautiful' always stood beside them. The founder of 'Still Beautiful' is present here and I would like to welcome her. I request Miss Rohini to come and join me on this stage and tell us the journey of the struggle which had started with her."

From the crowd, a young lady stood up and moved towards the stage. There was a huge applaud and claps in the background. Cameras were capturing her every movement. But she ignored all this and reached the stage with full of confidence. Her face was glowing with pride and honor. Though there were some scars on her neck and her arms yet she was looking gorgeous, really very gorgeous. ‬‬‬‬

State Chief Minister awarded her with a golden momento and a certificate for the social efforts made by her and her NGO. He patted her shoulder and blessed her. She raised the momento towards her team, volunteers and other members of her NGO and smiled with full joy and happiness. The people clapped for her and shouted her name louder and louder.

Rohini took the mike from the anchor and addressed, "First of all I would like to thank our honorable Chief Minister, the hosts of this evening and people who are present here and especially those who helps us directly or indirectly. A lot has been said about 'Still Beautiful' by this young and handsome anchor. But I would like to tell you something more which was not told earlier. Just a year ago, a girl was very happy in her office because her fiancé promised to take her on dinner at her favorite restaurant. Suddenly, he got a call for an urgent meeting and he forgot to inform her. She became sad. At the same time, her boss called her in cabin and offered her a promotion if she does a small favor to him. She refused and he locked the cabin and she was beaten brutally by a stick. When she lost her all senses, he poured a bottle full of acid on her face and body. What was this? Just a male ego or some frustration and this male ego can be seen in every third man's eyes of the nation. What do you want to prove that we women are just an object for you? We don't have any feelings, emotions? Whether she is 70 years old or 6 years old, men always wants to prove their dominance. Why today girls are not safe even in their own houses? Why they can't walk freely in the streets or why they can't go for a job? Whether she is in her home or at working place, whether she in mall or on the footpath, she always faces such incidents. Since the freedom, many laws and rules have been made for welfare of women and punishment for such criminals, but where is the result? The crime rate is still increasing day by day. Our judiciary system is also very good so the criminal is given clean chit and the victim is treated as a joke there. And the society, yes, the society also wears masks. People will show their anger for such incident on Facebook and Twitter, only till when India will win a match or Salman will launch a new actress. Candle-march and hunger strikes also long lasts for 3 days. But is this really helpful for victim or her family? All of us have to change our vision, our mentality. For the people, it is just like a TV episode but they don't know how the girl is living her life now. On the behalf of my 'Still Beautiful' family, I request the whole nation that we too are human beings and we have equal right to live a respectful life. We are the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, friends but atleast not an object. Give us some respect from heart. Don't rape us with your eyes. Because once your ego is satisfied, our lives are finished. No one is going to give the same love and respect as before. I want to ask you the people how many of you can hold the hand of an innocent victim girl? How many of you can give her the proper respect and love which she deserves? How many of you can marry her and be her life partner and complete her dreams and wishes?"

The whole hall was silent now. Everyone who was present was looking blankly on the stage. After a minute, Rohini handed the mike to the anchor and left that place quickly.


"Excuse me, ma'am." Sukanya, her secretary was sitting near her.
"Ummm. What?" She asked, resting her head to the window of car.
"Someone has given me this." Sukanya handed her an envelope.
"What is this?" She kept in her lap and again started to look outside in the sky.
"Ma'am, it's a cheque for the donation for our NGO." She replied with a smile and twinkling eyes.
"Ok, keep it in my bag." Rohini again handed the envelope to Sukanya.
She was so tired today and wanted some silence but Sukanya was so eager to tell her about this.
"Ma'am, at least see it once."
"Okay, tell me." Finally, Rohini showed some interest.
"It's 5 crores."
"What a joke?" She was shocked and surprised too. This was a very huge donation to a 10 month old NGO.
Rohini took the envelope and looked at both sides of it. Only 'Still Beautiful' was written on it with black ink.
"Who gave you this? What did he said?" She enquired more.
"He was a secretary ma'am. He told nothing about it but he said that his boss will call you tomorrow morning."
Rohini was more confused now. She was thinking that who is the one has donated such amount for her NGO.
Who was he?


Monday 9 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part3

Goodbye Letter


“Dear Raghav,
I don't know how to react this time. I am not in condition to think anything or react to anything. From yesterday night to till morning, I just thought about our love, our feelings, our dreams, our careers and our future. All these are vanished now. I am finished. I don't know all this happened had affected our love or not, but now I can't force myself on you. The cheeks you always pinch, now are burnt. My eyes always waited for you, now I don't know when I will see you. Whenever I will see you, there will be sympathy in your eyes. In every moment when we will be together, you will be petty on me. Not only you, this whole world will show sympathy to us but will laugh on our back. I can't let you to bear that. My face is now a curse to me. Last night when these nurses allowed me to go to washroom, there was a mirror inside. I saw myself. My hairs with which you want to play always are now not so long, no silky. My eyes, nose, lips, chin, neck, shoulders all are burnt. I don't know that what my fault was. Why the destiny did this cruel joke to me? Only being a girl is my crime. This all happened because I refused to sleep with my bastard boss. Is that a male mentality? Perhaps, with this deed, he had jerked off and now will be sleeping with a pride and satisfaction. I know you are not that type of person. You love me even now. But I don't want to be burden on you. I have talked with our parents. They all refused so I am pleading to you. Doctors have said that there is an option of plastic surgery. I can get a new face but I don't want to live long with some other face. You are young, handsome and rich enough; you can get any other beautiful girl. You can start a new life with her again. Just leave me. Burry all the memories and dreams which we have had seen together. I know this is not possible. But you have to do it for me and for sake of my love. I am breaking our engagement and relationship. You are free from me now. Go and marry someone else. In next few hours, I will go through an operation. Even I am not sure that I will survive or not but I beg to you to leave the hospital. I don't want to see you here. Because every time when I think about you, my heart cries inside that how can I say that love me with this face.  Please do it for me. I am giving back our engagement ring. Take this and go out from my life. Please choose your way and let me be alone with my new identity."
Unfortunately yours,
Having tears in eyes, Raghav was standing outside the airport with Devika. "Raghav, I will not ask you that what's going in your mind. Why are you doing this? When she needs you most, you are leaving her. This is very unfair. Love doesn't see face or beauty. Love is the other name of feelings towards the other person. Love is meant for care, dedication and sacrifice. At this time, when Rohini is broken from inside and you are leaving her only because she said you to leave her alone. You are doing wrong with her and yourself. You are wrong this time. Please answer me. Where are you going? And you have resigned also. Are you leaving the town? What will you do now?" Devika was bombarding questions but Raghav was like absent from there. He was just staring downside on the floor and not responded her.

There was an announcement for Raghav. He just wiped his tears and hugged Devika and said, "Take care. Bye."  Devika was shocked with his behavior. He was changed now. It seemed like his heart has changed into stone. He had no feelings now.  He didn't listen anything. He just went away. She was expecting that Raghav will turn and see her. But he didn't. He walked so fast dragging his baggage and trolly. Devika's eyes were full of tears and she didn't believe that what happened in last two days. She just murmured, “Please don’t go. Rohini needs you. Please don’t leave her.”

Next day, in every business organization and corporate offices, it became the gossip. All were shocked by hearing this. The newspapers and TV channels were flashing the news, “The MD of a leading IT company Mr. Raghav Chopra has resigned and had left the country after an acid attack on her fiancé. Nobody knows that where he had gone? Where he is now?"

All the media gathered outside the hospital. All were questioning about Raghav with his family. Even his family didn't know that where he was? They tried to call him, but his number was off. They called Devika. In few minutes, Devika reached to the hospital. She answered them what she knew. But the rest was unknown. One side people were standing with flowers and get-well-soon cards. And on the other side, all were asking that where Raghav is? How can he leave her in such condition? They were a Page3 couple in the town. In every cultural function, party, wedding etc. they were the centre of attraction. But this incident had broken their relationship. There were no possibilities now. Everyone was praying for Rohini's life and asking that where is Raghav?

Afterall, where was Raghav??


Sunday 8 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part2



It was 6:15 AM in the morning. All the family members except Rohini’s parents and his father were gone to the nearby guesthouse. Raghav was still sitting on that bench and was continuously staring at the fan. His mind was not responding to anything. All he just wanted to be with Rohini.

Suddenly his phone rang and he got disturbed from his thoughts. He took out his phone and looked at the screen. It was a call from his secretary, Devika.
“Hello”, he answered.
“Good morning sir.” Devika greeted in a soft voice.
She was a friend of him more than a secretary. He replied, “Good morning, what's the matter?”
“Sir, Mr. Bansal from Pune wants to meet you at 10:00 AM.”
“Cancel all the plans of today and postpone the meetings please.” Raghav said.
“But..”, she wanted to ask but he disconnected the call.

The cleaning staff was running here and there to clean the corridor. One of them asked Raghav to go and sit in other room. Unwillingly, he left and went directly to the cafeteria of the hospital and ordered a coffee. There were only few people present there. All were the employees of the hospital and they were busy in talking with each other. Two nurses were sitting on the adjacent table having their breakfast
the cafeteria owner had switched on the TV and put on a local news channel.
 The headlines were coming about sports, weather and other Bollywood news. Suddenly his eyes stuck on the news, “A female employee became victim of sexual harassment. The boss threw an acid bottle and burnt her face.”  He quickly went to the owner and asked for today's newspaper. The owner handed him the newspaper. Raghav sat on the chair and hurriedly turned the pages. On the third page, in the local news column there was the same news. He got a shock by reading the name of the victim “ROHINI SAXENA”. He sat on the chair holding his head and called the waiter. He paid for the coffee and ran towards the ward.

His heart was beating very fast and he wanted to see his angel who was fighting with death and life in the hospital. He was sweating badly and he almost ran across the corridor. He stopped near the ward but now the ward was empty. No one was present there. He entered in the room. The room contained the smell of blood and medicines. His eyes stuck on the dustbin. It was full with cotton and bandages. He moved towards the bed. He touched the folds and felt the warmness of the body which was lying there few hours ago. His eyes started sobbing, his throat got chocked. He wanted to cry loudly but couldn't. He just sat on the knees; his hands were still touching the bed. He closed his eyes and rested her head on bed.

"Excuse me sir, that patient had left a letter and this ring for you."
 the nurse stood in front of him, holding an envelope and a ring. He got up and took those things in his hands. With shivering hands and having tears in eyes, he opened the letter.


Friday 6 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part1

Love With That Beautiful Face


Location: Hospital

“Sorry Sir! She is not in a well condition. She is still in shock and not responding to us also. I request you to please go outside otherwise I will have to call the security. Whenever she wants to see you, we will inform you.” the nurse said in a very loud tone. The nurse was also looking so tensed and his behavior made her angry. 

1 hour ago...

It was 10:30 at night. Raghav was busy in his meeting which was called urgently as his foreign clients arrived late in his office. It was so late and he was been supposed to be with his fiancé, Rohini. He promised Rohini that he will pick her from her office and tonight they will have dinner together at her favorite restaurant. But this meeting disturbed their whole plan. He didn't have enough time to make a single call or drop a message to Rohini that they have to cancel their dinner as the meeting was so important.

In the meeting-break, while Raghav was having coffee on the terrace of his office, he got the message from Rohini’s friend that she is in hospital and her condition is the worst. He quickly left from the office and reached the hospital. He saw many   familiar faces but he didn't ask anything from them. Rohini's mother and sister were crying while his father and Rohini's father were discussing with the doctor. He tried to ask something with the doctor but Rohini's mother called him.

Raghav turned back and moved towards her with heavy steps. All the persons who were present there were looking so depressed and tensed. A compounder pushed him from behind and soon entered in adjacent room. Raghav looked in that room. There were three nurses and a doctor standing near a bed. The green curtains were covering the patient. As he was tried to turn his neck to other side but his eyes got stuck on patient's hand which was hanging down the bed. He was numb by seeing a bracelet in the hand. 

It was Rohini's hand. He rushed towards the room. As the nurse saw him coming towards the room, she quickly obstructed the door and said, “The patient is in critical condition and no one is allowed to enter in the room or see her. Please wait outside.”

Raghav tried to push the door and the nurse, but the grip of the hand of the nurse was tight and his effort got waste. It seemed like he has no energy in body. He didn't respond again. He continuously looked inside and tried to see Rohini. His tears continuously rolled down. His eyes became red and his body was shivering badly. The nurse understood the condition and took him to the corner and requested again to calm down.

He didn't utter any word and walked in opposite direction. All the family members were calling him but he didn't react to anyone and sat on the bench at the corner. He rested his head on the bench. His eyes were staring upside towards the fan but he was not able to see anything. Only thing he remembered that he had broken the promise made to Rohini and this happened. His heart cried and with every heartbeat he felt that he was responsible for that.


Thursday 5 January 2017

The First Paddle


“No! I don’t want to talk to you. You don’t take care about me or my wishes. How can you forget my nail paint? It’s a very small thing to buy for me. ” Ankita was said loudly and moved to her bedroom.
“But baby! Please listen to me…” Ravi’s sentence left incomplete as Ankita shut the door.

It was a pleasant evening of the 29th September, 2015. Ankita was waiting for Ravi as he had promised that today he will come early from the office and they will attend the sangeet ceremony of her friend Roshani.
In morning, when Ravi was leaving for his office, Ankita was busy in kitchen preparing breakfast for him.

“Ankita! I am going to take off.” Ravi said in louder tone, adjusting the knot of his tie.
“Please wait dear! I am coming.” Ankita replied from the kitchen.
“What Now? She has no idea that how much work I have to do today.” Ravi murmured and replied, “Okay baby! Please come fast.”

Around 5 minutes later, Ankita came out from kitchen, adjusting her hairs with her basen-filled hands. She was in her loose red t-shirt and black payajama. Ravi smiled looking her and grabbed her from her waist. Ankita tried to free herself but as her hands were filled with besan, she surrendered herself in Ravi’s arms. He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ears, “What happened? Do you want me to take a leave 
from my office and stay whole day with you.” and placed a small kiss near her ear lobes.
She responded immediately and dug her teeth smoothly on his neck. “Oooucchhh! What are you doing?” he screamed loudly while it was hard for Ankita to control her laughter. He loosened his arms and asked, “Can I go now? Ma’am!”
“Yes! But don’t forget that today we have to go to Roshani’s place as today is her mehandi-function and I have to attend it.”
“Ummm… Mehandi!! She will have a mehandi ceremony and my dear wife is still busy with her besan ceremony.” He laughed on his own joke and took his bag.
Ankita made face and took her tongue out to tease Ravi. She looked at her hands and called Ravi, “Wait-wait! Please bring the two dark crimson shades of nail paint from market.”
Ravi looked back and gave a surprised look. “Baby! How can I enter in a women ‘shop? What will I say to them? Look! I am not going to do this. You can buy on your own in evening when I will come from office. I will take you to the market in evening.” And he closed the main gate.

After almost 30 minutes passed, Ankita opened the door of bedroom and sat back again on bed. Ravi entered slowly in room having some papers in his hands. He sat closely to Ankita and asked, “Are we not going to Roshani’s place?
“No!” Ankita replied making her eyes bigger than usual and turned her face away from Ravi.
“You know that I feel very shy buying any woman’s stuff. Why don’t you go and buy anything you want? Now don’t spoil the mood. Get ready.” said Ravi.
“I am not going anywhere with you. And tell me why do you feel shy in buying your own wife’s stuff? Before our marriage, you made so many promises that you will fulfill my all wishes and dreams whatever I want. And you can’t even purchase a nail paint for me.”

Ravi was noticing that Ankita’s eyes will soon burst into tears. To stop those tears, he handed the papers to her which he carried in his hands. “I can’t buy those small things. Look! What I bought for you? A plot of 4,800 square feet near Asha Nagar will on your name. Tomorrow it will be legally yours.”

Ankita took the papers but she showed no interest in opening them or reading them. Ravi stared on her face and lifted her chin, “Are you not happy with this?”
Ankita looked in his eyes for a couple of moment and smiled. She came closer and made Ravi to lie in her lap. She put the papers on the bed and brushed his hairs. She was silent while Ravi had closed his eyes. Ankita looked at his face and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. Ravi opened his eyes and tried to get up.

But Ankita pushed her hand to his chest and said in slower tone, “Baby! I know that how much you love me and how hard you are working for our future. You work all day and night; go on tours and meetings to make money and more money. And you are doing all this to make me happy. May be you are doing right for us but one thing I want to say to you that my happiness lies only in small things which you do for me, not in these big things. What will I do with all these when I have chosen to spend my life with you? Either we live in flat or in a palace, my most comfortable place is in your arms. Whatever you do for me gives me happiness but those special moments when you do especially for me are more precious. You remember when we got newly married that time buying vegetables and fruits were more memorable than buying jewelries. Now we have a car but I still miss our bike ride because on bike when I hold you I feel more safe then in car when I am sit close to you but I can’t touch you so that you can look in front and drive carefully. You know that I am still a careless stupid girl which can get smile when you empty the whole cupboard to find your towel even when you know that I had already kept that in bathroom. No money or precious thing can bring happiness on my face but if you do your efforts to fulfill my needs gives me immense pleasure and happiness that my loving husband can do everything for me.”

Ravi listened carefully, smiled and put his hands on Ankita’s face. He kept his finger on her lips. “Now get ready. We are already too late. I am dying to see you in that dazzling lehanga in that ceremony. I want to see my wife more beautiful than the bride.”
Ankita punched on his shoulder, “Yeah! My so busy husband had bought me a land but he can’t afford the expenses of his wife and wishing that his wife should look more beautiful. Can I wrap these papers on my body and come with you.” She laughed with a small tear rested in the corner of her eye.
“Shut up you idiot. The whole pack of your nail paints is kept outside on table. Now wipe your tears otherwise you will ask to purchase new kohls and eye liners tomorrow. And I will again have to go in that store.”

