Wednesday 11 January 2017

‪‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part5‬


"Hello, who is this?" A female voice answered in a sweet tone.
"I am Rohini from 'Still Beautiful' NGO. Can I talk to Mr. Roopesh Kumar?" Rohini asked.
"I am sorry ma'am, he is in a meeting."
"Can I have an appointment? I want to meet him."
"Let me check. Okay, you can meet him after 5 in evening in Hotel Shriniwas." 
"Thank you so much."
"You are welcome." The call disconnected.


Rohini was waiting in coffee shop of Hotel Shriniwas where she had to meet Roopesh. She was alone with a handbag and a file. She looked at the clock; it was 5:20 PM now. She thought to call him once more but her mind denied.

Rohini stuck her eyes on the glass door and start digging in her past. She was quietly observing the people. Many people looked at her but this was not her old days. That was the time, when many people praised her for her beauty but now those eyes were full of sympathies. On the adjacent table, there was a newly wedded couple. They sat very close and both were smiling looking each other. Suddenly, that guy holds her hands and planted a kiss. That lady blushed and looked down with shy face. Her silky hairs came on her face but they were unable to hide her smile. Rohini's eyes were glued on those hand, a diamond ring was sparkling in that lady's hand. Her heart was suddenly felt heavy and her eyes were teary. Rohini kept her hand on table and stared on her blank finger. Though it was more than one year, but still she could feel that ring in her finger.

Her thoughts were broken when a middle aged lady in formal suit and open hairs came and stood in front of her. She smiled and said, “Good evening ma'am. I am Rajni, secretary of Mr. Roopesh. He will join you in few minutes. Till then, you can order something."
"No, it's ok. Thank you so much." Rohini replied. “Actually..."

"Sorry ladies, I am sorry that I am late." A male voice disturbed them. A gentleman with smile, aged nearly 27-28 years, in a black blazer and blue jeans was standing near them. Rajni stood up and greeted him.

Rohini looked up and was shocked when she saw Roopesh. His right face was burnt and his neck was full of scars and burns. He was wearing goggles with neat black glass, as he removed his goggles, she was more surprised and her heart blushing inside. His eyes were similar to Raghav's. Rohini was so confused. They shook the hands and greeted each other. The touch of his palm made Rohini to remember Raghav.

"I have heard a lot about 'Still Beautiful'. You are doing a great work for society." Roopesh said.
"Thanks." Rohini replied. It was harder to find more words to speak for Rohini as her mind was so confused now.
"Yours NGO, your motive and your achievements are remarkable. You are the new face of those beautiful persons who are the victims of society. It’s my pleasure to meet you." Roopesh said in soft tone.
"I am so grateful for your help. But one thing I am not able to understand. You have donated a huge amount for our small NGO." Rohini asked.
Roopesh didn't answer. He just called the waiter and ordered for two black coffees. Till then, Rajni had occupied another table and was busy with her laptop.

"Yes, what were you asking, about the donation? See, the donation is never calculated with the amount. It is still very low. And the money is not a problem. In our country, such cases are increasing day by day. Many lives are affected by this. I just want to help them by contributing something to your 'Still Beautiful'. That's all." Roopesh said fluently and frankly. Rohini's lips were quiet and her eyes were trying to find the reason on his face.

Roopesh was saying all these without looking in Rohini's eyes. While Rohini was continuously look at his face. Since a year, Rohini has met many people who were been victim of such accidents. But when she saw Roopesh, it seems like these marks and burns were not accidental.

"So..?? I think you won't mind taking my help and accepting me as your new volunteer." Roopesh smiled and a big question mark was present in his eyes.

Rohini looked towards the cheque and smiled. "I accept it and welcome to the family." 

"Family." Roopesh uttered.
"What?" Rohini asked.
"I think I should leave now. It's getting late." Rohini looked at the clock and said.
"Ok. I am going to shift my whole business to India next month. So see you then." Roopesh took his goggles and stood up.

"Great, this is my card. Whenever you visit, you are heartly welcome in the office." Rohini opened her bag and handed her card to Roopesh.

Roopesh took the card and stared it for few seconds. "What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing, I am also 'Still Beautiful'." Roopesh wore his goggles and after a formal hand shake. He turned and walked away. Rajni smiled and waved towards Rohini and followed him.

Rohini responded the same and looked towards Roopesh. He was walking straight, taking long and quick steps.

She was out of the hotel now and was walking towards her car. Suddenly, she heard a jingle. It was her phone ringing. She opened her bag and took out the phone. It was an unknown number, flashing on the screen.


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