Sunday 15 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face‬ Part7


"Are you ok now?" 
"Yes." Rohini answered while drinking water from the water bottle.
"Actually these bastards.."
"Sssshhhhh. It's over. Those police men are suspended and early morning the culprit will be behind bars. Rest of the work will be done by the media and other organizations." Roopesh said, while driving the car.

Rohini breathe deeply and kept her silence. Roopesh slowed down the speed and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and head rested on the window.

"We should go to the hospital." Rohini said without opening her eyes.
"What? It's already 2:00 AM. I think you should take some rest now. We can see Manu tomorrow." Roopesh replied.
"Today is her marriage. I think I should talk to the groom." She said and looked Roopesh.
"In such cases, the boys pull their steps back. They don't think about the girl and her future. Many girls like me..." She stopped.
"Like you?" Roopesh applied brakes and parked car on the side.

Tears came out from Rohini's eyes. Her voice became heavier. She told about Raghav and everything happened to her. "And he silently left. He neither asked nor said anything just left from there. Nobody knows where he is? I tried to contact him but all my attempts failed. All of this happened because of this face. I don't want that this happen to any other girl."

Roopesh listened and after few moments he looked deeply into Rohini's eyes and said, "It was all destinies. That time has gone and never will come back again. We should look towards the new way. Manu will get married. Don't worry. We both will talk to the boy."

Rohini smiled and thanked Roopesh. Roopesh started the car and soon after some time they were in front of Rohini's apartment.

"So, see you in morning, Rohini. Good night." Roopesh said.
Rohini smiled and wished him the same.


Rohini, Roopesh, Sukanya, Manu's father, Sunil, the groom and his father was sitting at Sunil's home. As it was expected, Sunil was hesitating to give his answer. After some time, he clearly said NO and answered that now Manu is not perfect to him according to him and his position. He can't accept such burnt girl as his life partner. On hearing this, Rohini was full of anger and Roopesh was worried. Manu's father was sitting with his head bend down having tears in eyes. Rohini stood up and said in louder tone, "What the hell you think you are? How can you behave like an uneducated person? That girl is in hospital and fighting with herself. And you are leaving her without any fault. At this time, she needs your support and love. And you are caring about your so-called position. She is my sister and she deserves better than you. I will find a perfect boy for her. Within a month, she will get married to a better person. You just wait and watch."


"Now what will we do?" Sukanya asked in gentle voice.
Everyone who was present there was upset. They didn't think that Rohini will say something like this. Everyone was looking at Rohini and she was sitting on her chair keeping her hands on her forehead. There were so many faces of such victims were flashing in her mind. She thought that everyone has right to find the happiness. She will help them in fulfilling their dreams.

"Our new mission is to find the perfect lifetime partners for victim girls. I will discuss it after talking with Manu." Rohini got up and walked outside. Her eyes were full of confidence. Everyone present there was a bit confused that how is it possible?


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