Wednesday 21 June 2017

Immortal Love - 4

Immortal Love

Chapter 4

About half an hour passed, one of the goons pushed Diya and hit hard below her stomach. Diya screamed loudly but her voice didn't come out. She was crying like hell and that pain was so unbearable to her. Her mouth was shut with her own dupatta and her hands; her legs were tied so tightly with a cable wire. She looked all around. It was an old house with some broken furniture and many liquor bottles. The complete building was in disgusting condition and stinking so badly. Only one bulb was lighting in the whole house. In that dim light, she looked here and there. One goon was standing near him, holding a beer bottle in his hand and a cigarette in another one. Others two were drinking and laughing wickedly. One of them shouted, "Boss! Come here. Lets drink some more and eat the chicken. After this, we will taste the fresh meat of this b*tch. It's been a long time, we haven't tasted such a beautiful chick." and laughed.

"No! Let me take the opportunity first." He said and touched Diya's chin with his rough hands. Diya pushed her head behind and tried to move away. That person was looking like a monster. His mouth smelled so badly and his teeth were shining like a hungry wolf. He came near her face but this time she hit his face with her head. With this sudden attack of Diya, the goon got imbalanced and fell on the floor. He stood, came near to Diya, slapped her again and gulped some beer. He placed his hand on Diya's shoulder and within a moment, he tore her kurti. She cried but no one was there to listen her cries. Her eyes begged for mercy but that monster was laughing and others were enjoying her condition. They were asking him to make Diya nude.


This sudden sound frightened all of them. That same black dog was running in to and fro motion outside the house and was continuously barking looking towards the house.  "F*ck! This dog had ruined my mood. Go and kill that animal otherwise the whole night, our desires and fantasies will be end with this barking." The dog kept barking and crying so loudly like the pain which Diya was suffering inside the house was felt by that animal. That time the human were turned into monsters while that animal was showing humanity by shouting continuously. Both  the goons put on their jackets and went outside. The boss remained inside, sat on the chair and lighted another cigarette. He laughed and roared," B*tch! If you will cooperate us, we will not harm you. But if you don't, you will have to suffer more. Think about it."


Another sound came from outside the house. It was a bullet which was fired outside. He quickly crushed his cigarette and took out his dagger from his drawer and mumbled, " What the f*ck is happening here?" One goon ran inside with a frightened face. As he entered in house, the first goon stopped and shouted, "What happened? Where is Aqeel?"."He is dead. A man had shot him outside and he is coming towards the house. He will kill us also."
"I will kill that bastard. You just wait and watch." He roared.


Both the goons and Diya were shocked. The door was opened with a powerful thirst. In that dim light, there was a shadow which was slowly and slowly getting bigger. The face of that person was not visible but he was standing at the door and that dog was also with him. They both entered the house.

Diya got frightened with what all was happening there. She heard some sounds and screams of men and soon it became all silent. She was not in the condition to react. She looked around her. There was a beer bottle lying on the floor. She kicked that beer bottle. It rolled on the floor making some sound to make someone know that she is there. The bottle rolled till the gate. That man stopped it with his long boots and looked at the dog like he had ordered something. The dog understood his master's command and went inside the room where Diya was present. This time the dog was not threatening her.

Diya heard footsteps from outside coming from the next room. She looked at the door and the dog. The dog sat on near her like assuring her that there is no need to worry now. Diya was continuously looking at the door. Suddenly, that man entered with something flashing in his hand. She remembered it was the same dagger which was in that goon's hand. But that person was not a goon. He slowly came inside and sat near to her. She looked into his eyes but he was not looking at her. He turned her and cut the cable by which her hands and legs were tied. She untied herself now and began to cry. The man patted her shoulder and said," Come with me. You are now safe." He looked at the dog and dog left that room. Diya stood up and tried to hide her naked shoulder. The man quickly turned his face, opened his jacket and offered her. Hesitantly, she took the jacket and put it on her body. The jacket was large in size but now she was feeling safe. The man came out of the room and she followed him. Near the door in the corner, she felt some liquid as his feet were to slip. She bent down and saw that liquid was blood which was coming from two dead bodies. Those two goons were lying on the floor. Diya ran that side and began to hit on their faces. With every hit, she began to cry louder and louder. That man came inside and pulled her from her waist and whispered in her ear, "They are dead now. We should leave this place soon otherwise we both can get in trouble." She tried to let herself free from that man but she was sure that this grip meant to protect her not to molest her. Diya wiped her tears and took her bag and mobile which was kept on the table.

When they came out, it was raining and it was so late in the night. Diya has no option left to go to her room or inform her father. She was confused that in which way she should go. She opened her bag and took out the mobile but her luck didn't support her. The battery of mobile got discharged and there was no other way to communicate to her family.

The weather was getting very worse. The guy said, "You are not in condition to go home this time. If you have no problem, you can spend the night at my home. You can trust me." She was still in confusion. But he held her hand and said only two words, "Trust me." She got some relief but she asked, "If your family will ask about me, then?" He remained silent to this question and walked towards his home holding her hand.



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