
Friday 16 June 2017

Immortal Love - 3


‪Chapter 3

Two years ago.

Diya was returning from her office. It was a dark evening and the weather was also rainy. She went to the parking lot and stood near her scooty. She took out her helmet and wore it. As she sat, she came to know that the front tyre was punctured. She looked here and there but as it got so late so there was no one to help her. Irritatingly, she took off her helmet and kept it again in scooty and walked out of the building. There were only few people standing at the bus stop. It was very hectic and irritating day for her. She got some new assignments and a new team. Her whole day passed in interaction with her new team and her senior colleagues. She was so tired and restless. She wanted to reach her home as soon as possible so that she could hug her pillow and get a sleep.

Almost 30 minutes had passed, but there was no sign of any bus or cab. She looked at her watch. She opened her bag, took her scarf out; wrapped around her face and head. As it was a rainy weather, the wind was on its full swing. She came out of the bus stop and walked along the road. She was not in mood of waiting for the bus. She decided to go to the nearby railway station so that she can get an auto or cab.

After crossing about a half kilometer, there was a small shortcut way which leads to the way to railway station. As she was quite tired, she wanted to be alone. On the road, there were so many vehicles which were blowing their horns and sirens which were creating more irritation to her. She decided to take that shortcut so that she can spend some time with herself only and can cut off from this outer world.

The way was full of bushes, trees and old bogies of trains. As the whole ground was under railways so there were many containers and other equipments placed. Diya was lost in her thoughts kept thinking about her family, friends and work. She was not looking so careful to the way; she was walking continuously.

Her chain of thoughts broke when a dog started barking at her. As she looked there she saw that the dog was very big and black with opening jaw and in attacking mode. She got dumbstruck. She was not in condition to respond. Soon, she gained her senses and decided to face it. She bent down to pick a stone and threaten the dog. The dog was still barking at her. When she bent down, she heard some voice and felt that someone else also is present there.

It was very dark now and the source of light was very far from her. When she turned behind she saw three persons were standing behind her.
She stood up and the stone fell down from her hand. One of them came forward and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Don't you know that being here at this time is so dangerous? Where you want to go?"

Diya didn't utter any word and moved other side. The man, who asked her, was standing with a question mark on his face while the other two were smiling and staring at her. She sensed something wrong here, she gained some courage and replied," I was going to railway station. Someone is waiting for me there. Let me make a call to him." She tried to open the zip of her bag but strangely that person snatched her bag and said, "Don't worry; we will take you to the station. No need to make a call." Till then, the remaining two came near her. The first one handed the bag to the other one and grabbed her wrist and said, "Firstly, come with us and we all will take you to the station."

On hearing this, Diya understood that she has got in trouble. She looked all around but there was no one. She tried to push one man and shouted, "Leave my hand and give me my bag. I don't need your help. I'll manage it by my own."  Suddenly she felt one hand on her waist. She turned around and slapped on the face of the third person. In response, she got a hard slap on her face. She fell down with bleeding in her nose. All of them were laughing at her. She picked a stone and threw it on them. They bent down to save themselves. She got up and ran away in the opposite direction. They also chased her. She increased her pace. But her high heeled sandals created obstacles and soon she fell down after hitting a big stone lying near the railway track.

Diya lost her senses. Those three goons stood in front of her and laughed on their victory over her. Her vision got blurred and her ears refused to listen anything. Her eyes were closed now.



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