Sunday 19 February 2017

It Happens Only In India - 3



“Have you seen that video? TV channels are broadcasting it since 3-4 days. That Indian army officer with national flag. What is so special in that?” A girl asked her friends while entering in her college canteen.

You haven’t seen that? Look how a muslim man in our army uniform is insulting our national flag; that too on independence day. I think he is a Pakistani or an ISI terrorist in Indian army uniform.” A guy replied and handed her the phone playing the video.

“Bastard.” The girl said while watching it.


At the same time…

In the Army HQs.

“Actually.. It was the 15th august night. I along with my unit was on duty at the city stadium, where the chief guest was our state honorable home minister. There was gathering of approximately 5000 people. Each face was looking happy and the day was celebrated with full zeal and happiness.

I too got a gallantry award for showing bravery during the terrorist attack in Srinagar. My chest was broadened when the chief guest praised me and my unit. It was the happiest and unforgettable moment of my life. I always wanted to do something for my nation and my service in Indian Army gave me that chance to serve my motherland with full dedication. My family, my friends, my neighbors all felt proud when I stood in front of them in army uniform. This uniform and national flag always inspired me to serve the country and its citizens in every possible way.

That night, after the Beating the Retreat ceremony, I was returning to the unit HQ. The other soldiers of unit were sent to the HQ in army truck earlier and I was in my jeep. I sent my driver in the truck so I was alone and driving the jeep.

I was too tired that day and was feeling hungry. The HQ was about 60 km away from the place. So I decided to skip the food of mess and have the dinner at the roadside hotel. I parked the jeep in front of the hotel and came out.

I was there around 30 minutes. I finished my meal, paid the bill and stood nearby the jeep. I saw a water cooler outside the hotel. I was feeling sleepy so I went there to wash my face. After washing the face, as I turned back, I saw a car running in a fast speed. But at that moment I didn’t care about it.

I sat in the jeep and left the hotel. After driving 10-12 kms, on a turn, I felt something crawling on the road. I dimmed the headlights and slowed down the speed. That thing was lying on the road and a human hand rose. I stopped the jeep, took a torch and came out. I threw the light on that and I got dumbstruck. It was a girl in subconscious state. She was lying wounded without any piece of cloth and bleeding from everywhere. Her hairs were messy and she was shivering badly. She saw me and waved her hand like she was begging for help. I was still shocked that what should I do in this condition my feet were like got stoned, my heart was beating faster and I was sweating badly.

“Help!” as the voice echoed in my ears, my sense awake. I moved a step but soon stopped. She was naked. I looked here and there but I didn’t see any cloth there. I ran back towards the jeep, searched backside but unfortunately there was no cloth. I closed my eyes and my tears rolled down, I got no option. I was feeling so helpless. My eyes were stuck on the box which was kept on the backseat. I pulled it and opened it.

In that box, the national flag was kept which was folded by my own hands that evening. The flag which I can hug even when my I am dying with smile on my face. The flag for which I want to live, I want to die. The flag which was more precious for me than my life. But that time it was the question of someone’s life. It was about a citizen of my country for whom I pledged to serve without being so selfish for myself or for my family. It was for a girl and we live in that country where girls are treated as Goddesses. Even Islam has also taught me to help the needy without thinking about youself. Bhagwad Geeta preached to do the right thing without thinking about its consequences. This was not the time to think about the religion, it was about humanity and no religion is above than humanity. I looked upwards, apologized to my Allah, to my nation, to my duties and to my responsibilities. Without thinking about the consequences, I took the flag out with teary eyes and ran towards the girl.

The girl saw me coming towards her, she cried loudly and got unconscious again. I closed my eyes and wrapped the flag around her body. I carried her in my arms and took her in the jeep. After making her sleep on backseat, I sat on driver’s seat and without thinking any question, I drove as fast as I could. Within half hour I was in front of city hospital.

The hospital staff and nurses rushed towards us and took her inside. I sat outside on the bench. I was praying to God to save her in any condition and keep her alive. Suddenly the door was opened and a nurse came out and handed me a blood filled cloth. It was the national flag. I took it in my hands. It was full of blood and stains.  I touched the Ashok Chakra, I felt that fabric. It was not just a cloth for me, it was my own heart and I was feeling like someone has taken my heart outside my body and handed me back.
At the corner of corridor, I saw a tap there. I got up and headed towards there. I sat on my knees and tried to wash the flag. I tried a lot but the stains remained on it. I failed to save the prestige of our national flag. I kept it and sat on the floor. I broke the rule. I forgot what was taught during my training. At that moment saving her life was more important for me. I can die for the respect of my nation but at that moment respect of girl was more important for me.

There was a CCTV camera placed in the corner of that corridor. Probably, this video was captured at that moment and edited. I belong to the Muslim community so some politicians and religious organizations are trying to recreate the whole scene with their view and trying to misguide the whole country for their own political selfishness. I don’t care about all this. Within a period of 5 days, I got a tag of an ISI terrorist, ISI agent etc. but I just want to say that if we don’t respect our citizens; we can’t respect our nation. Whole patriotism is rubbish if we can’t serve our own people. People show their love and respect towards the country only on occasions of Republic Day, Independence Day and Martyr’s Day but remaining whole year they don’t even love each other. They don’t respect each other. Every day we face many problems like riots, attacks just because we don’t have the equality. We create differences by religion, castes, money and gender. Even girls and ladies are not safe in our nation. What kind of freedom is this? Our mothers, sisters and daughters are not free here. They are beaten brutally and get raped. We are still a slave of our hypocrisy, our cheap mentality. No nation can leads to development until its citizens don’t want to get develop.

Sir! Before you give any decision or set a committee against me, I myself resign from my services. Not because I am afraid of the punishment but because in my heart I am guilty for insulting my national flag, my unit and whole Indian army. I request you to please approve my resignation and hand over the case to the army judicial. I want to face the people as a citizen of India, not as an Indian army official. I have full faith in constitution and Indian judiciary. Jai Hind!”


The victim girl died. Her dead body was returned after 72 hours. Doctors tried to save her but their effort were inefficient. The girl lost her hope of living and maybe her soul felt guilty for Captain Ahmed.
People prayed for the girl and cursed Ahmed. News channels and newspapers were full of these two news. It is the new India after the 69th Independence Day.

And still one question is left unanswered…

Why this happens only in India?



Unintentionally if anyone thinks that the story is related to a religion special, an incident special and get hurts, please forgive me. It’s a work of pure fiction and feedbacks are welcomed in inbox and comment section.

Thanks for your valuable time for reading.


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