
Monday 9 January 2017

‎Love With That Beautiful Face Part3

Goodbye Letter


“Dear Raghav,
I don't know how to react this time. I am not in condition to think anything or react to anything. From yesterday night to till morning, I just thought about our love, our feelings, our dreams, our careers and our future. All these are vanished now. I am finished. I don't know all this happened had affected our love or not, but now I can't force myself on you. The cheeks you always pinch, now are burnt. My eyes always waited for you, now I don't know when I will see you. Whenever I will see you, there will be sympathy in your eyes. In every moment when we will be together, you will be petty on me. Not only you, this whole world will show sympathy to us but will laugh on our back. I can't let you to bear that. My face is now a curse to me. Last night when these nurses allowed me to go to washroom, there was a mirror inside. I saw myself. My hairs with which you want to play always are now not so long, no silky. My eyes, nose, lips, chin, neck, shoulders all are burnt. I don't know that what my fault was. Why the destiny did this cruel joke to me? Only being a girl is my crime. This all happened because I refused to sleep with my bastard boss. Is that a male mentality? Perhaps, with this deed, he had jerked off and now will be sleeping with a pride and satisfaction. I know you are not that type of person. You love me even now. But I don't want to be burden on you. I have talked with our parents. They all refused so I am pleading to you. Doctors have said that there is an option of plastic surgery. I can get a new face but I don't want to live long with some other face. You are young, handsome and rich enough; you can get any other beautiful girl. You can start a new life with her again. Just leave me. Burry all the memories and dreams which we have had seen together. I know this is not possible. But you have to do it for me and for sake of my love. I am breaking our engagement and relationship. You are free from me now. Go and marry someone else. In next few hours, I will go through an operation. Even I am not sure that I will survive or not but I beg to you to leave the hospital. I don't want to see you here. Because every time when I think about you, my heart cries inside that how can I say that love me with this face.  Please do it for me. I am giving back our engagement ring. Take this and go out from my life. Please choose your way and let me be alone with my new identity."
Unfortunately yours,
Having tears in eyes, Raghav was standing outside the airport with Devika. "Raghav, I will not ask you that what's going in your mind. Why are you doing this? When she needs you most, you are leaving her. This is very unfair. Love doesn't see face or beauty. Love is the other name of feelings towards the other person. Love is meant for care, dedication and sacrifice. At this time, when Rohini is broken from inside and you are leaving her only because she said you to leave her alone. You are doing wrong with her and yourself. You are wrong this time. Please answer me. Where are you going? And you have resigned also. Are you leaving the town? What will you do now?" Devika was bombarding questions but Raghav was like absent from there. He was just staring downside on the floor and not responded her.

There was an announcement for Raghav. He just wiped his tears and hugged Devika and said, "Take care. Bye."  Devika was shocked with his behavior. He was changed now. It seemed like his heart has changed into stone. He had no feelings now.  He didn't listen anything. He just went away. She was expecting that Raghav will turn and see her. But he didn't. He walked so fast dragging his baggage and trolly. Devika's eyes were full of tears and she didn't believe that what happened in last two days. She just murmured, “Please don’t go. Rohini needs you. Please don’t leave her.”

Next day, in every business organization and corporate offices, it became the gossip. All were shocked by hearing this. The newspapers and TV channels were flashing the news, “The MD of a leading IT company Mr. Raghav Chopra has resigned and had left the country after an acid attack on her fiancé. Nobody knows that where he had gone? Where he is now?"

All the media gathered outside the hospital. All were questioning about Raghav with his family. Even his family didn't know that where he was? They tried to call him, but his number was off. They called Devika. In few minutes, Devika reached to the hospital. She answered them what she knew. But the rest was unknown. One side people were standing with flowers and get-well-soon cards. And on the other side, all were asking that where Raghav is? How can he leave her in such condition? They were a Page3 couple in the town. In every cultural function, party, wedding etc. they were the centre of attraction. But this incident had broken their relationship. There were no possibilities now. Everyone was praying for Rohini's life and asking that where is Raghav?

Afterall, where was Raghav??


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